wAIT! was the price too high? join for just $197/mo


how would you like to get 7 MONTHS FREE when you upgrade to diamond membership today and...

join an exclusive group of elite online business owners and entrepreneurs with...

direct access to 

claude buzizi each month!

Plus, when you join Diamond today, I'll throw in...

over 20 done-for-you income streams

all compiled into one Book - ABSOLUTELY FREE!

'claude's diamond income streams' 2020 -2024!

...these high-paying streams can earn you anywhere from $497 to $1,997 per sale! (scroll down for more details...)

from: Claude Buzizi

Charleroi, Belgium

Dear friend,

Congratulations on signing up to test-drive EarningBlueprints Toolkit...

You are one of the rare, lucky ones, who now have access to a breakthrough AI marketing toolkit, and are on the path to maximizing more money in minimal time!

No longer will you feel lost, stuck, or stagnant. Instead, you'll master the foundational tactics, strategies and principles that have become the backbone of some of the largest businesses you know today.

I can't wait for you to dive into your first tool of EarningBlueprints, including all of the training you will access inside of your membership portal and success path.

Now, with that said, we're already packing up your box of free gifts and we'll be shipping it out ASAP!

BUT! Before you head to the confirmation page and get all of your login information for the EarningBlueprints toolkit...

There's ONE more thing I want to share with you - so stick with me until the end of this page... (I promise I'll make it worth your time).

Here's the rundown - 

See, for the longest time…business owners have come and asked me the age-old question…

"How can I attract more or better customers with less work?" 

Chances are you’re in the same boat.

Truth is – for far too long, business owners have been stuck, and are constantly wasting enormous time, money, and attention trying to “figure it all out” or reinvent the wheel.

See, if you’ve been cold calling, DM-ing, working more than 70 or 80 hours a week, all while dealing with skeptical and penny-pinching prospects…

I hate to break it to you…but…​

you've been a part of a large group of business owners who've become an

advertising victim

See, if you’ve been pedaling hard and fast for years on end, trying to figure out where your next customer will come from or how to generate a reliable and CONSISTENT income online…

Without a proven & predictable income system…

I’m sure you’ve realized by now – that the current methods you’ve been using WILL NO LONGER WORK.

If you are willing to be honest and admit that you don’t really have a reliable marketing system…

Then you are going to count this letter as the most important letter you’ve read this year.

Because you’re about to follow in the footsteps of a multitude of a Secret Group of High Performers who have been able to erase the “evils” of business, such as:

Cold Calling

Dealing with skeptical prospects

Dealing with penny pinchers

Working 70-80 hours a week

Having absolutely no free time

Stress and strife on the family

Lack of certainty for the future

Constant worry and aggravation

What I want to share with you is a proven system.

A system which has been used successfully for over 7+ years by small businesses and entrepreneurs like you…

To generate consistent, high-quality income streams with less work, week by week, month over month…

And if you’re looking to leapfrog YEARS of trial and error, without flushing a fistful of money down the toilet…

If you’re looking to cut all of the fat, waste, and mystery from advertising and use a simple collection of tools and strategies that are the solid foundation for profitable marketing with profound competitive advantages…


Now... what is the system you may be wondering?

the diamond membership

This entire system is designed to replace the old-fashioned, antiquated cold prospecting drudgery with a system of attracting people to you who are predetermined to value your advice and do business with you.

Just by installing this System, you’ll realize the HOURS of time it has saved you, along with the days of “false starts” and YEARS of trial and error testing you won’t have to endure.

You’ll also realize how Diamond Membership will give you an unfair advantage over your competition who are stuck using wasteful traditional advertising methods and are bleeding their ad budgets dry.

Just think about it. Opening your email inbox with more inquiries than you can handle from prospects predetermined to do business with you.

Your phone ringing off the hook from people who already trust you and your expertise. And not having to worry about where your next customer and clients will come from because you have a SYSTEM for magnetically attracting them at will.

you might be asking yourself:

"why is upgrading to a full year on diamond the best decision you can make right now?"

Well there are actually a few reasons...

Ask most anyone who has created lasting success for themselves and they'll tell you the same thing...

The #1 way to get results is to go ALL IN and not dabble. You have a vision of what your life could be... the impact you could create and the abundance you could experience!!

But the only way that becomes real is if you take action and MAKE IT REAL. So this is for those people who want to take the next step and commit to themselves and their vision. This is for that small percentage of action takers who are ready to create a business that continues to run without keeping an eye on it 24/7... build valuable assets and a business that actually affords you REAL financial freedom!

that's why we created this package!

To give you the chance to COMMIT to this, and in return we will reward you with SEVEN MONTHS FREE with a MASSIVE "early-bird" discount of just $997, plus FREE access to Claude's Diamond Income Streams that costs $497!

ATTENTION: This "Early-Bird" discount offer is not available outside of this page.... and will not be offered again!

Once I run out of "early bird" spots, the price for Diamond Membership will go back to its original price of $3,564 annual or $297/mo.

Keep in mind, that if you're still seeing this deal on this page we still have a few spots left at this low low price.. and once we reach our cap of discounted spots, this offer disappears!

yES! give me an entire year of Diamond access (Normally $2,364) for just $997!

And to supercharge your success with this system...

When you say "yes, I'm ready" and level-up to Diamond today...

I'm going to mail you my Done-For-You High Paying Income Streams.

Claude's Diamond Income Streams

(EXCLUSIVE access only for Diamond Members)

Value $10,000 FREE!

See, a few years ago, I started compiling RARE Diamond Income Streams for my Diamond Members into a one MASSIVE swipe file that will have you raking in anywhere from 497 to 1,997 per sale!

And these aren't just any offers - they're exclusive and not available to the average Joe - which I want to give to you today as a gift when you upgrade to Diamond! 

In this book and onepager, you'll be able to find the top-done-for-you income streams that you can promote right now to help bring in more profit this year!

How INSANE is that?!?

You can quite literally make Claude Buzizi your next “Netflix” of High Paying Income Streams!

Imagine having access to private high paying offers on dozens of topics, ON DEMAND...and other marketing gems to help IGNITE your next profit campaign!

I could go on and on about how INSANE these income streams are... but I want you to test-drive them for yourself!

ATTENTION: This book is ONLY given as a free gift for new Diamond Members. This book is NOT available anywhere else outside of this page, nor is it available as a PDF download.

Now, to have access to this kind of high paying income streams would normally cost THOUSANDS of dollars... upwards of $20K or more...

But because you're here and you've secured your VIP access... you get complete access to Claude’s Diamond Income Streams for FREE!

What many have paid THOUSANDS for...

you get access to for FREE!

This way you can get  FULLY  immersed into Planet Claude!

Exclusive gift: not available anywhere else!

diamond member: fREE!

is "diamond membership" for You...?

yes! This 'Diamond membership' is especially for you if...


You're frustrated because everyone around you is showing off their earnings and their success, and you feel like you're the only one who's falling behind.

You're afraid it may not be possible for you to succeed because you're not smart enough, not rich enough or not young enough. Yet you can't imagine going back to a 9 to 5 lifestyle.


If you lose your job tomorrow, in 2 months you're going to be so behind your payments, you're going to have to sell your car just to pay rent on time. You want to have more runway.

You want to know that no matter what happens in your life, you'll be able to pay the bills for 6–12 months. You want safety and security for your family, and you want to prove them wrong about this "online marketing" thing.


You're suffering from the shiny object syndrome - You're overwhelmed with information, but you lack implementation. Because you don't know how to put what you learned into practice, eventually all you're doing is spending more money than you're making.

You've tried getting mentoring but it's either incompetent or costs thousands of dollars, and you're certain you'll continue struggling on your own for years unless you get help from someone who "walks the talk".

But to sweeten the bribe...

When you join Diamond today, you'll not only receive a copy of Claude's Diamond Income Streams as a free gift...

I'm also going to ethically bribe you to get started fast by throwing in $38,741 worth of money making  breakthroughs.

claude buzizi's whole info-riches

(EXCLUSIVE access only for Diamond Members)

Value $15,000 FREE!

NO fluff about it!

Over 7 years of my work

in the palm of your hands

The "Info-Riches" is what I used to sell back in the day at my virtual events...

You could buy individual products that I sold... or if you wanted it all, then you'd invest a minimum of $15K and get EVERYTHING - the Info-Riches.

But when you level-up to Diamond today... I'm not going to make you pay $15K for my "Whole Info-Riches."

When you go from Gold to Diamond today...

I'm going to give you my whole info-riches 

for fREE!

Once you're a Diamond Member, you'll automatically unlock HOURS of some of my most INSANE and brilliant marketing and business advice ever recorded, and be able to stream right from your smartphone or tablet!

here's everything you can choose to unlock when you become a diamond member today:

When you choose diamond TODAY, you get to instantly unlock any 2 courses of your choice, Each worth $3,000 each,

... plus unlock 2 new courses every additional month you choose diamond...

Affiliate Automation academy

$2,997 for the masterclass

Diamond Member: FREE!

social network lead machine

$2,997 for the masterclass

Diamond Member: FREE!

High Converting Offers Masterclass

$2,997 for the masterclass

Diamond Member: FREE!

high profit list building challenge

$197 per VIP ticket to attend

Diamond Member: FREE!

high commissions challenge

$197 per VIP ticket to attend

Diamond Member: FREE!

YouTube Profits Challenge

$197 per VIP ticket to attend

Diamond Member: FREE!

AI profit prompts Training

$197 for the masterclass

Diamond Member: FREE!

Traffic Hacks training

$97 per ticket to attend

Diamond Member: FREE!

The #1 Super funnel training

$197 for masterclass

Diamond Member: FREE!

Unlocking this content as a Diamond member will FAST-TRACK your business... help you avoid costly mistakes... and in turn, give you the life, freedom, and happiness you deserve.

and that's just the beginning!

You’ll Also Get TONS More Courses, Lectures.... Master Classes And Presentations!

claude buzizi's whole info-riches

normally $15,000 free!

What if you could have Claude Buzizi’s brain to help you on your next campaign... your next funnel... your next offer... or your next great headline that DOUBLES your conversions...?

That’s what you’ll get inside Claude’s info-riches...

You get access to never done before! Director's cut walkthrough Claude's most profitable presentations, where you'll find out staff like the exact method behind Claude's seemingly effortless ability to get people want to buy from him without pressure or unethical mind control tactics where people paid THOUSANDS to attend... and you get it all for FREE right on your smartphone or tablet.

When you upgrade to diamond today, you can have access to HOURS of Claude Buzizi... and all of the money breakthroughs you can handle... for FREE!

And as long as you’re a Diamond Member, you’ll always have access to Claude’s entire library so whenever you need a fresh new idea... marketing or business tips... or anything to help get the “creative juices” flowing, it’ll be there for you!

(If you don’t hit the button right now, then you’ll force me to continue bribing you and I’m almost out of breath...)

Still Here? OK, Here We Go...

Plus! When You Become A Diamond Member, You’ll Also Unlock:

monthly lIVE Q&a with claude Buzizi!

(EXCLUSIVE access only for Diamond Members)

Value $2,250 FREE!

Diamond Members get to have a LIVE Q&A and interview with Claude Buzizi every month!

Whether you need advice on business... marketing... or a new idea to help ignite your cash flow...

Diamond Members can get their questions answered by Claude Buzizi himself! 

Plus, if you happen to miss a monthly Q&A, don’t worry... we record all of them and upload them to the Diamond Membership area for you to watch or re-watch whenever, wherever.

Still Not Convinced BRIBED Enough?

Hmmmmm (**rolls up sleeves**)... you’re a tough one.

Thankfully, I’m just warming up...

Diamond Members also get access to...

diamond master classes!

(EXCLUSIVE access only for Diamond Members)

Value $5,000 FREE!

How would you like to have a front-row seat every month to a BRAND NEW master class from Claude Buzizi?

This is a favorite of our current Diamond Members because it’s a chance to learn from the master on what he would do in marketing and business in today’s time.

Each master class is about 60 to 90 minutes long (or longer... we all know how Claude loves to over-deliver and then some), and Claude goes DEEP on topics such as:

Affiliate Marketing secrets
Advanced AI-Powered Marketing Strategies (the key to making maximum in minimum time...)
The Untapped Potential of Multiple Income Streams, from high-ticket offers to subscriptions that create true financial stability.
How To Easily Create A Huge Email List To Generate Leads Coming To You And Ready To Buy
​How To Scale Your Traffic With "Simple Videos" That Generates Highly-Qualified Leads & Sales
Zero Resistance Selling: How to Fill Your Funnels with Your Dream Customers!
Advanced Strategies to Generate Organic Traffic for ZERO-COST.
How To Use Groundbreaking AI to build automated Cash Machines! (without creating ANY content whatsoever)
Secret Automation Technology we've created (that could allow you to see amazing results even if you've got zero tech ability).
How to Build REAL Digital Assets That Could Be SOLD On For A BIG Pay Day.

Want to get daily “marketing gems” from REAL marketers who are in the trenches... putting their money on the line... and discovering what’s working and what’s not?

Would you like high-level accountability to make sure you stay on target... achieve your business goals... and experience results faster?

Then you’ll love our...

private diamond mastermind community!

(EXCLUSIVE access only for Diamond Members)

Value $997 FREE!

One of the best and most effective ways to grow and scale your enterprise is by sharing your challenges and wins with similar driven, passionate, and like-minded peers.

That’s why I created an exclusive PRIVATE Diamond Members Community Forum.

Here’s why we’re SO EXCITED about this particular Diamond Member Group…

This high-level group is unlike the most community groups out there. The main differentiator being PARTICIPATION.

See, everyone in Diamond is INVESTED… in themselves, in their business, and in helping others. Plus, the quality and level of CONVERSATION and the quality and level of IDEAS are quantum leaps above the norm.

Literally off the charts.

Don’t be ​surprised​ when you come across 6 and 7-figure ideas on a regular basis​.
Don’t be surprised by the game-changing value bombs being dropped into the chats.
Don’t be ​surprised​ when YOUR business benefits from a freely given strategy posted in a thread.

And the REASON this happens so frequently is because…

You’ll be surrounded on all sides by super sharp and ‘wicked smart’ entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs who, like you, are on a similar path to success…

And who choose to reach their goals and milestones SMARTER and FASTER.

Stuck? Got a problem? Financial goal exceeded? Want feedback on a new offer or product?

No need to go it alone when you can get the help, support, and encouragement you desire from all the high-achievers in your group.

Last, but certainly not least...

When you say yes, I’m ready and level-up to Diamond today...

I’m going to grant you access to our closed door EXCLUSIVE Referral Program: Affiliate Program!

It's called...

Diamond referral program!

(EXCLUSIVE access only for Diamond Members)

Value $4,997 FREE!

What if you could inspire others to take control of their own lives and become the best version of themselves...

While at the same time earn a lucrative commission?!

That's the great part about being an active member of Diamond Membership - you will be able to participate in our closed door affiliate program and have a chance to...

Inspire others to live their dreams, while strengthening you or your brand in the process
Earn a 40% recurring commission every month for EVERY member you refer!
Earn a 10% recurring commission every month on your 2nd tier - and continue to receive these commissions on-going as long as the people you refer remain members!

Plus... Just refer 3 people, and your membership practically pays for itself!

That’s what you get

with the Diamond Referral Program!

but that's not all!

When you say yes, I’m ready and level-up to Diamond today...

I'm also going to ethically bribe you to get started fast by throwing in $497 worth of the following fast action bonus.

diamond critique coupon

(EXCLUSIVE access only for Diamond Members)

Value $497 FREE!

Want to get a super marketer's opinion on your next campaign? 

Inside this bonus, I'll happily review your campaign, emails, pages, offers, and funnels in full detail (one time) and give you my honest feedback about how to make them more profitable.

This fast action bonus is easily worth $497, but I won't charge you a penny. 

Have it free when you pull the trigger and level-up to Diamond today...

guaranteed approval & 90% commission bump

(EXCLUSIVE access only for Diamond Members)

Value $9,997 FREE!

annual only

One of the toughest things to get as a new affiliate marketer is approval into good affiliate programs. 

Thing is, vendors look at your track record to know whether you're legit, whether you're sending good traffic and whether you're going to bring the heat. 

In their experience, most people applying for affiliate programs aren't "quality affiliates".

This makes it really hard to get approved into good programs that convert well and pay well. For that reason I've decided to give you an upper hand with all of my high ticket affiliate programs (90% commission) that is closed to the general public.

We run a private-invite-only affiliate program for 30%.

Diamond members get guaranteed approval plus 90% commission bump

Yes, even if you're a "nobody!"

That’s what you get

with Guaranteed Approval & 90% Commission Bump Bonus!

diamond free vacation voucher

(EXCLUSIVE access only for Diamond Members)

Value $2,697 FREE!

annual only

YES! This is Real! Stop dreaming and start packing!

You're just one step away from snagging a FREE vacation voucher that lets you enjoy up to 7 nights in one of over 1,800 stunning locations across 37 countries.

This isn't your typical holiday – we're talking about luxurious accommodations, personalized insights, and unforgettable experiences that will make your Instagram followers green with envy.

Yes, there are some small taxes and surcharges to pay on some resorts, but trust us, they're worth every penny!

We've partnered with a company that gives away empty resort rooms, so you know you're getting the real deal.

And as a matter of proof, that's my family and I at DisneyLand Paris in July 2024.

This is a 100% exclusive bonus only for the Diamond members who act fast.

I want you to have it for free, if you act fast and start planning your dream vacation. Your passport is waiting!"

"but claude, why just $997 for a full year?"

Well there are actually a few reasons...

First - it's my way of saying THANK YOU for test-driving Earning Blueprints toolkit.

Second - it gives me the ability to get another one of my products into your hands and when you see how awesome the diamond membership is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future, which will help you grow your company and hopefully keep you around longterm as a customer.

Third - I'm kinda a show off... I'm not going to lie. I'm sick of people throwing out conversion numbers, outdated screenshots and their stats without any real proof to back it up. I think 99% of what is said online is complete BS... so I thought it would be a breath of fresh air to publish the TRUTH, show the actual stats and #'s behind what we do, and well... honestly, I just want you to think I'm cool. 

Fourth - I wanted to create a special offer that would help you stay connected to your bigger future and allow you to have my ongoing support, lessons, and training without charging you an arm and a leg for quality mentoring. 

Whether you want to grow your career, your new business or an existing one...

I'm here to guide you with step-by-step instructions, pushing you to achieve a set of defined goals that will actually take you where you want to go.

If you want to anchor in the habits that build true success, upfront income, continual income and valuable assets then this is for you.

If you want the next level, you need the next level of mentor... 


That's why I'm giving this to you for $397 $197.

And if you stay with me past the first month, then you'll continue to pay $197/month... And you can cancel anytime!

Yes, really - cancel anytime by replying to any of our emails and telling us to cancel. It's that easy.

Upgrade now and go watch one of the last few months of my diamond trainings and you'll realize this is worth so much more than the $197.

The $197 is just sort of a symbol of your commitment. 

So you're game for this, right?

Now think about it....


Would you pay just $197 to get access to a private group of go-getters just like you that cheer you on to your next level of life?

Would you pay $197 for the instant access to $1,419 worth of my most powerful success trainings?

Of course! Who wouldn’t? 

So don't let the price fool you. This is worth tens of thousands of dollars a year if you're an action taker.  Don't miss this opportunity - it's a one-time offer only. 

“How Much Is All Of This Worth?”

As you know, Claude Buzizi is considered by many to be the “Master of eAutomation Marketing.”

With over 10+ years of professional experience in marketing and business... Claude has spent countless hours perfecting his systems and helping others achieve success with it and It's no wonder he doesn't charge anything less than $5,000 for private consultation.

As a Diamond Member, you’ll get a rare closeness to Claude and his wisdom that people would pay 10s of THOUSANDS of dollars just to be a fly on the wall...

But you won’t have to worry about forking over thousands today.

To be a Diamond Member it’s only $197/mo... which is less than the standard family cell phone bill.

And probably less than a week’s worth of food for the family (especially if you have teenagers...)

I want to make something crystal clear—

our most successful stories come from our Diamond Members.

And it makes sense when you think about it...

Diamond Members have separated themselves from the “dreamers” to become DOERS.

When you become a Diamond Member... it proves to me:

You are dedicated to the craft...
You love the thrill of the challenge...
You understand the need to re-investment in yourself.

And you know that just one single idea... marketing strategy... or improvement can easily provide more added income to your business than the whole year’s investment!

So Are You Ready To Upgrade To Diamond Membership?

I want to show you what you will be missing out on if you DON’T upgrade to Diamond today:

Claude's diamond Income Streams

All of Claude’s Diamond Income Streams from 2020-2024!

Reminder: you literally CANNOT get this book anywhere else... This is ONLY made for Diamond Members.

Normally: $10,000

Diamond Member: FREE

Claude's whole info-riches

Claude’s Whole Info-Riches (Every Claude Buzizi's present and future, digital product, masterclass, money-making campaigns, AI-automations and more!  

Normally: $15,000

Diamond Member: FREE

Monthly LIVE Q&A With Claude Buzizi

Join Claude Buzizi for a live interactive Q&A session each month. You'll also be able to absorb the Live VIP Q&A replays and see what other business owners' real-world questions are.

Normally: $2,250

Diamond Member: FREE

Monthly Claude Buzizi Diamond master classes

Each month, Claude will do a 60 to 90-minute deep dive masterclass on anything from affiliate marketing, information marketing, agency marketing, launch jacking, product launches or even if you're building a Shopify/Brand to business. It’s like having your own personal conference with Claude Buzizi every month!

Normally: $5,000

Diamond Member: FREE

Private Diamond Mastermind Community 

No need to go it alone when you can get the help, support, and encouragement you desire from all the high-achievers in our Diamond Community Forum.

Normally: $997

Diamond Member: FREE

diamond referral program!

This is our closed door affiliate program where you'll have a chance to inspire others to live their dreams, while strengthening you or your brand in the process. You'll be able to earn a 40% recurring commission every month for EVERY member you refer as long as the people you refer remain members!

Normally: $4,997

Diamond Member: FREE

Diamond Campaign Critique Coupon

Inside this bonus, Claude will happily review your next campaign in full detail (one time) and give you his honest feedback about how to make it more profitable.

Normally: $497

Diamond Member: FREE

Guaranteed approval & 90% commission bump!

annual only

This is Claude's Exclusive affiliate program where you'll  get guaranteed approval plus 90% commission bump with all of Claude's high ticket affiliate programs - that is closed to the general public!

Normally: $9,997

Diamond Member: FREE

diamond free vacation voucher

annual only

You're just one step away from snagging a FREE vacation voucher that lets you enjoy up to 7 nights in one of over 1,800 stunning locations across 37 countries. (EXCLUSIVE for Diamond Members only)

Normally: $2,697

Diamond Member: FREE

Today, I’m giving you $51,435 in DIAMOND LEVEL value... for FREE when you upgrade from Gold to Diamond.

It's just $997 for an entire year (which easily pays for itself).

Do you have a guarantee?

you bet. matter of fact, i have THREE guarantees For you

Gurantee #1 - 30-Day Money Back 

100% guarantee that you'll love this gift, or I'll return your shipping fees and let you keep the gift anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your money with no question asked.

And if you decide at ANY time that you don't want to be a subscriber any more, you can cancel anytime, and keep the cool package of stuff we sent you!

Gurantee #2 - Diamond support for success

We've got a strict no student left behind policy. We know the entrepreneurial journey can get lonely, with plenty of bumps and unforeseen turns...

That's why if you have any questions or hang-ups on how to use the marketing material in your business, or need help with a strategy, you'll be able to reach our team of marketing professionals via email and receive a response within a 24-hour period.

You don't have to feel alone anymore, second-guessing yourself. We truly care about your success, and that's why we'll be there every step of the way.

Gurantee #3 - My ridiculous and downright "claude buzizi crazy" 365-day guarantee

No fluff, no theory here... 

Use us for a full 12 months. And if you STILL don't experience transformative results in your business with the strategies taught by Claude Buzizi... and you've given my team and I the chance to personally help you... then I will still refund your initial investment.

How can I have a such a powerful guarantee?

I outrageously stand behind this program (and all of our products and services) 1000%.

if you're willing to commit to doing the work and what my team and I show you, we are willing to back you with a full 30 DAY RISK FREE Guarantee!

If at any time during the first 30 Days you don't believe Diamond Membership is everything I say it is, and you can look us in the eye (over email) and tell us that Diamond Level Membership isn't what we claimed it would be...

I'll happily refund your first month's payment.

No hassle, no funny business.

Join the ever-growing list of successful members who are banking it big with Diamond Strategies right now as we speak, just like David...

"Claude's training on E-Automation has been life-changing for me, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to grow their online business. Although I've been online for over 15 years, I was new to the concept of using E-automation to warm up my traffic. The landing page I set up has been a significant change in my business, and I'm excited about the growth potential."

-DAvid jubb

Disclaimer: your results may vary

I've made it totally risk free for you to get started with my Diamond No Fail Guarantee.

I also made it affordable… even if you’re dead broke.

But if you’re still on the fence, it must be because of one of the following reasons…

Reason number one: you're not sure if you can squeeze Diamond Program into your jam-packed schedule.

If so, then I invite you to get started with confidence because building your own business that actually affords you REAL financial freedom requires just 10 minutes a day.

That's less time than it takes to brew your morning coffee. So come on, no more excuses.

You can do nothing on weekdays and then complete all the steps in one weekend.

It is a flexible program, and it will fit into your demanding lifestyle 

Reason number two: money.

It's a common excuse people make as to why they can't get rich.

They say I don't have any money… I barely get by… I don't have any spare cash to invest in a business!

I know because I was that guy. I started out with no money. But now I’m making passive income with my cash-flow funnels that are recession-proof and provide an income for my family regardless of who's sitting in The White House....

Considering a different perspective…

Don't be that person who says they can't afford it. Think of it as an investment in your future, and let me tell you - the return on investment can be huge.

Here's what I was able to make with just one of my cash-flow funnels…

Disclaimer: your results may vary

If you were certain you were going to succeed with the Diamond Program, you wouldn’t care how much it costs, because you’d know you’d make so much more.

You’d crawl over broken glass to give me the measly entry fee.

Which brings me to…

Reason number three: you lack confidence in your ability to make it work.

Listen, I've been there. 

You aren’t sure if this is going to work for you.

You failed in the past. You’ve been conditioned to expect bad things to happen to you. It’s easy to assume the past will repeat itself.

But is it really true?

Haven't you stepped out of your comfort zone and made things happen at least once or twice in your life?

Haven't you gotten good at certain skills before?

Haven’t you had any success before?

Look, Diamond strategies are not rocket science.

If they were, average people like Des from Dublin, Ireland (a retired man with limited technical skills) from Ireland wouldn't be able to build a successful online business. (sorry, Des).

"The key to any successful online business is a steady flow of quality leads. And with Affiliate Automation Academy, Claude provides a roadmap to tap into millions of them. His various traffic methods are tried and tested, and they have helped countless affiliate marketers build a list of 10,000 or more in just a matter of months. If you want to see real growth in your online business, this is the method to use."

-Des O'Kelly

Disclaimer: your results may vary

It's not about your smarts. It's about following the right system.

I'm giving you the system to follow plus my best shortcuts for next to nothing. And I'm even backing you up with an No Fail Success Guarantee

Get started and I look forward to receiving your testimonial like the one I got from Denise…

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You upgrade to the 'Diamond membership' Today!

"All in all you're getting $38,741 in value for only $197/mo today!

total value: $38,741

For Just $197/mo Today

But you must act RIGHT NOW, not tomorrow...

not next week...

If you're looking for the perfect opportunity to gain the strategies & tools to thrive in your online business, then look no further. But there's a catch…

You gotta act fast! The clock is ticking, and once it hits zero, this sweet deal disappears. Don't be the one kicking yourself for missing out on this sweet deal!

Don't be like a sloth and let this golden opportunity pass you by. Seize the day and invest in your success by upgrading to Diamond before it's too late. Trust me, you won't regret it!

Here’s What Other Members Are Saying

"When I started my affiliate marketing journey, I was excited to learn new skills and make money online. However, I quickly realized that I lacked the knowledge and tools to make it a success. Claude's Affiliate Automation Academy Blueprint has not only provided me with valuable insights but has also saved me a lot of time and frustration. Now, I can focus on building my business and achieving my goals."


Disclaimer: your results may vary

"I can't believe I wasted so many years taking advice from the same gurus in the make money online niche. They were always releasing new products, promising to make me rich overnight, but never delivering on their promises. It's refreshing to finally come across someone like Claude Buzizi who is not only knowledgeable but also genuine. He doesn't promise overnight success, but rather provides the tools and resources for his students to succeed in the long run. I'm excited to be part of a program that values transparency and honesty above all else."


Disclaimer: your results may vary

What If One Comment... One Connection...

One Small Move Of The “Needle” In Your Business...

Helps You Rake In An Extra $100K, $200K... Even $300K Or More This Year?

Listen, this is how BIG moves are made in business.

And isn’t that what you want...?

A business that is “recession-proof” and provides an income for you and your family regardless of who’s sitting in The White House...
A business that continues to run without keeping an eye on it 24/7...
A business that actually affords you REAL financial freedom!

If that’s what you want, then I invite you to upgrade from YPC membership to our exclusive Diamond Membership today...

...and become part of the top 1% of online marketers that could help you generate an extra $100K... $200K... or $300K this year!

Spots Are Limited.

I hope you join. I know you’re ready for it...

And deep down, you feel it, too.

I know we will all benefit from having you as a member.

But I have to come clean—

We can’t allow EVERYONE to upgrade and join.

See, in order for us to deliver as much value as possible without feeling “stretched thin”... we have to keep the Diamond Membership small.

That means if you’re looking to take your business to the next level... for more customers... sales... and money...!

Then I urge you to act now before we are forced to close the doors (and for the foreseeable future).

Just beyond this page could be the key to transforming your business overnight... with an increase in customers and profit!

But I’m not asking you to believe me.

If I’m wrong and you don’t see the value in being a Diamond Member, then you lost nothing and GAINED Diamond Income Streams Book for free.

But what if I’m right?

You have until the timer on this page expires because that's when I'm pulling the bonuses and this irresistible deal will vanish into thin air!

Don't let this opportunity pass you by! This is your chance to get your hands on the one and only Diamond system that exists.

You might be thinking, "Why can't I just do it myself?"

Sure, you could try to DIY!

But let's be real, that's a recipe for disaster. 

Do you really want to spend hours on Google trying to figure it all out? Trust me, I've been there and it's not pretty. You'll end up pulling your hair out and spending more money than you ever intended.

You will make mistakes.

You will bump into obstacles.

But lucky for you, I'm offering access to my diamond membership at a steal of a price. This is your chance to skip the headache and start making bank ASAP. Say goodbye to the guesswork and hello to a system that actually works.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "But I can't afford it!" Well, I'm sorry to break it to you, but you can't afford NOT to invest in yourself. This is your chance to take your marketing game from zero to hero. Don't let FOMO get the best of you, take action now before this offer disappears.

It is time to make a decision.

You've got two options.

Option number one: risk it and do nothing.

Let's face it, doing nothing is just asking for trouble.

Expect things to get worse with the rising cost of living, old age, and disease. But don't worry, there's a bright side...

Option number two: a totally new life for you.

I'm not just saying this, I've experienced it myself and let me tell you, it's life-changing. 

It's never too late to start living the life you truly deserve.

So let me ask you, are you gonna sit back and let life happen to you? Or are you gonna grab the bull by the horns and take control? Don't be a Debbie Downer, choose option two and start living your best life. Trust me, once you see the results, you'll be happier than a kid in a candy store.

Don't let fear or doubt hold you back any longer. It's time to start living life on your own terms. 

Your mission should you choose to accept it -- is to take action now so you can start a business that affords REAL Financial Freedom using a recession proof business without keeping an eye on it 24/7 as we speak, like one of my clients John Thornhill, you too can be a total boss...

"Claude's knowledge of Automation is unparalleledIf you're looking for someone who can teach you how to use automation to take your business to the next level, Claude is your guy. His in-depth knowledge of E-Automation is impressive, and he has a talent for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand steps. If you have the opportunity to work with Claude, don't hesitate - it will be one of the best decisions you ever make."

-John Thornhill

top 1% platinum Clickbank seller

Disclaimer: your results may vary

Still there? So what are you waiting for? Take the leap and create the life you deserve.

Upgrade to Diamond now to start experiencing freedom beyond job and bills.

Your new life is one connection away.


- Claude Buzizi

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm mailing you my new book, "Diamond Income Streams" (that retails at $497.00) for FREE. Yes, this book is free, PLUS I’m unlocking your choice of any 3 courses in a library worth $15,000, Monthly LIVE Q&A with Claude Buzizi, Monthly Master Classes and So Much More, and all you pay is $197 US per month, cancel anytime.

There's no catch... no gimmicks...

In fact, if you don't love your 3 diamond courses worth $3,000 each, monthly Q&A calls & masterclasses - I'll cancel your monthly payment (and you can keep all of the bonuses).

P.P.S. It might seem unrealistic, but Diamond truly enables completely average people to make a 6-figure income online. Try for yourself.

P.P.P.S. The special offer, discount and bonuses are pulled as soon as the timer on this page expires. Don't miss out.

Don't miss out!!

frequently asked questions:

I'm just a beginner. Should I wait until I've got some experience online before joining Diamond?

No, don't waste time figuring out success on your own. 

I created this mastermind to accelerate your journey in internet marketing by surrounding you with the world's top marketers who have proven success, rather than struggling alone and risking failure (and most likely failing like I had for years), I want to show you the fastest path to success.

I'm busy with another mentoring program right now. I would like to come back at a later time. Will this opportunity be available in the future?

I can't address your specific situation without knowing more, but I'll share my broad perspective. The value of this upgrade depends on your coaching program. If you're focused on building an Amazon dropshipping business, it might be best to hold off for now.

However, if your mentoring involves affiliate marketing, information marketing, MLM recruiting, offline business lead generation, agency marketing, product launches, or building a Shopify store, the secrets and connections you'll discover in Diamond will help you achieve faster and greater results.

As a diamond member, you'll quickly see how everything I teach applies to most methods and strategies to build a business that continues to run on auto-pilot, a business that actually affords you REAL financial freedom and provides an income for you and your family regardless of who is sitting in The White House...

Is there a money back guarantee?

You've got 7 days to decide whether Diamond Membership is for you. There are no refunds after 7 days.

What if I'm already making 6-figures or more with my business?

Then you realize how becoming a diamond member is no-brainer to you, don't you?

If you're making 6-figures on your own, then just one secret or technique can propel you into multiple 6-figures. 2 or more techniques can bump you to 7-figures.

What if I join and realize DIAMOND MEMBERSHIP isn't right for me?

No worries. You've got 7 full days to make up your mind whether or not Diamond Membership is the right place for you.

If you change your mind, just let us know within a week of joining, and we'll refund your entry fee so you can be on your way to buy the next shiny object.

What's the cancellation policy?

Try out for 7 days. If you don't like it cancel and get your money back. If you cancel at any point after the 1st 7 days, you will not be reimbursed. No contract to sign. No fine print.

How Can I make the most out of Diamond Membership?

You will be provided with the tools and the environment that foster success. The success won't happen for you, unless and until you execute.

If you were an aspiring Olympic athlete, think of the club as a community of world's top athletes whose mission is to help one another excel in their respected disciplines.

You'll also access top experts in affiliate marketing, information marketing, dropshipping, email marketing, agency marketing, and direct response marketing, along with the best training resources, state-of-the-art facilities, and AI technology. Diamond Membership helps you achieve more by providing an environment that supports your goals.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: "Buzizi DigiProfits" and associated free training are NOT considered an income or business opportunity according to the Business Opportunity Rule § 437.1m; “that advertising and general advice about business development and training shall not be considered as ‘providing locations, outlets, accounts, or customers.’”. In good faith, Buzizi DigiProfits is providing a One-Page Disclosure Document for purposes of consumer transparency.

MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING: This business is NOT advertising a multi-level marketing or network marketing firm, as it does not fit the Koscot test under FTC law. Any individual, without any payment by participants, can become a part of the referral program by creating an account online here. Case reference: Koscot Interplanetary, Inc., 86 F.T.C. 1106, 1181 (1975).

FRANCHISE: This business is NOT a franchise, as it fails the Beale’s Franchise Rule Test (Page 50, Franchise Definition) by neither: (1) permitting use of trademarks, (2) imposing significant control, or providing significant assistance to the business, (3) charging a required payment.

EARNINGS CLAIM STATEMENT: Buzizi DigiProfits is a company dedicated to helping people achieve their self-education, and self-employment goals. We provide quality online training programs to people who seek freedom of time, and freedom of location.

INCOME disclaimer : This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of the company's or the presenter's own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. Buzizi DigiProfits makes absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site or training material, that you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

LIABILITY disclaimer: By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information provided by our company. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations. In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information. In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered "for entertainment purposes only". Always seek the advice of a professional when making financial, tax or business decisions.

final offer!

try EarningBlueprints AI Suite for a 7-day free trial today

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(Plus, I promise once you see what I reveal in the free masterclass... you’ll want to sign up for EarningBlueprints.)
Normally, we only allow people to sign up for a 7-day free trial, but because you’re here now...
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But this is it— this is your very to test-drive EarningBlueprints at this incredible offer!
This offer disappears once you leave this page...
So don’t wait!
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